Instruction for flying the Kite for cameras

Operating and flaying the kite

Before flaying, work according to the wind table below.

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  • Deploy about 15m of string from the roller and lock it, attach the roller using an anchor or a heavy item (>3kg). or use the assistance of a second user.

  • Attach the 3 hole adapter to the kite’s string.

  • Connect the kite to the string using the clips on the string, attached to the end of the rollers string, and the tail to the kite’s back using the double said string.

  • For using the kite for photography (connect the camera)

  • After connecting the camera / mobile phone, start recording the video or multiple photos, if you don’t have a light Gumbel it is recommended on taking photos and not video.

  • Spread the kite against the wind and let the kite fly.

  • Release the string using the roller as needed.

  • In order to raise the height of the kite, pull the string then release the string slightly. 

  • You can also use the clips string to download the kite for handling the camera

  • After finish roll back the string and grab the kite and camera.

  • Fold the kite after disconnecting the string clips.


In case the kite falls over and over on the same side – Please follow the instructions on calibrating the kite